...A la Carta

"Extraordinary Women"

Greek myths

Horta històrica de Lleida

El misteri de la biblioteca

Soc d'un Poble

Women who changed the world

Puzzle Form: The farm

Aprende a leer y escribir

Estrellas del Valorcesto

Diset puzzles

Yo-Yo Phonics Stars

The dream

The boat race

Malory Towers. The new series

The princess and the dragon

I wanna be an artist, too!

Wallpainting for Artspire

The Secret Series

illustrations for Custo Barcelona

The Famous Five (part II)

The Famous Five (part I)

The three Little Pigs

Is Da Vinci an alien?

Planet Fantasy

Seurat and his Rascal

Cezanne and his paintbrush

Shop & Math

Holiday English

El meu aniversari!

Bravo magazine

Kandinsky and his horse


Tourist handbag collections

children psychomotricity projects

The dream painter Rousseau

Zooloco educational deck

Vodafone Yu:

Yo-yo phonics 3 and 6

Degas in the camera


Pol and Martina travel to space!

Characters for Bauer magazines

Violeta Jones for Pizza Emporio

Youth educational projects

Educa Borras games

Pixépolis. Science primary project

Aventuras en Insulán


Pizza Emporio

Beep 3 and Beep 4

Your Chinese Zodiac

Escuela de princesas

Divas, actressses and models

Ricky the robot

Fashion illustrations

El cuento de Quim

Colours 1 and 2

Brújula. Primary education science project

Los Lunnis magazine

Shop windows L'Obrador

Science educational illustrations

¡Sin machismo, sí!...Pásalo

Other projects I

Other projects II

Other projects III